
thompson lab

Communicating the science of psychedelics and antidepressant drugs

Dr. Thompson is a passionate advocate for communicating the latest science to the general public. He served for six years on the Society for Neuroscience’s Public Education and Communication Committee. He has taken great pleasure in discussing the hope and the hype of psychedelic medicine in Colorado and elsewhere.

Dr. Scott Thompson at the Aspen Psychedelic Symposium.
Dr. Thompson speaking about how psychedelics induce neuroplasticity and how they improve mental health
Educating the citizens of Colorado on the science of psychedelics and the Natural Medicines Healing Act.
Educating the citizens of Colorado on the science of psychedelics and the Natural Medicines Healing Act
Educating the citizens of Colorado on the science of psychedelics and the Natural Medicines Healing Act
Educating the citizens of Colorado on the science of psychedelics and the Natural Medicines Healing Act
Dr. Thompson speaking about how psychedelics induce neuroplasticity and how they improve mental health
Dr. Thompson speaking about how psychedelics induce neuroplasticity and how they improve mental health
Psychedelic Public Policy Partnership

Dr. Thompson is the Director of the Psychedelic Public Policy Partnership, an organization of professionals with interests in psychedelic medicine. Our goal is to ensure the safety and efficacy of Colorado’s Natural Medicine Healing Act, legalizing the delivery of psychedelics in clinical settings. We are actively engaged in educating both Colorado lawmakers as they write the rules implementing the Act and the general public as they consider using these powerful substances.

Dr. Thompson is actively involved in communicating the latest biological explanations for what goes wrong in the brain in people suffering episodes of depression and how antidepressant drugs – classical and novel – provide therapeutic relief of symptoms.

Screenshot of article about CU Anschutz research.